Muslim World
A series of ceramics and stone sculptures made as the MA Thesis at the Academy of Art. in Krakow, inspired by the trips to Muslim countries made during the years of studies at the Academy. The idea of working over Islam is not a scientific analysis of the culture, but usage of the artistic language, transmission of impressions, fascination as well as doubts derived from contacts with a distinct world: religion, culture, tradition and, above all, people living in a totally different system of values.


The series was presented in front of the Collegium Broscianum of Jagiellonian University in Kraków in 1999.

Currently, the scultures are displayed in Zakopane, Poland, in the gardens of "Dom pod Jedlami" designed by Stanis³aw Witkiewicz as a spectacular example of Zakopane Style. Many thanks for making the garden available to the Pawlikowski family and the Dom Pod Jedlami Association.


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