La Junta


  The sculpture "La Junta" (Gathering) was realized during the Mexican government scholarship in 2003. Currently it is a part of pernament display of the colection of the Instituto Veracruzano de la Educación y Cultura (IVEC) in El Jardín de las Esculturas (Sculpture Park) in Xalapa, Veracruz in Mexico.

   This sculptural composition consists of four pieces of wood varying between 2m to 2.5m high in which there are encrusted some elements of volcanic stone. In the formal aspect of the sculpture, its stylisation and its abstraction, it makes reference to human shapes, but also its ornamentation appear to symbolise the Mexican way of dress. The grouping of these shapes represent an indigenous society, characterised by its traditions and customs and its way of speaking and dressing. The heads, done in stone, have a character and attitude and a gesture which gives each one a different identity. The use of these materials (stone - wood) is to create differentiation in the formal elements and also to emphasise certain characteristics.

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